Friday, January 21, 2011

Marketing tip - Use QR codes to bring Life to Your Marketing!!!

Watch this 2 minute video and use your imagination.

How would you like to have your business card take a prospect ,in less than a second, to a video on your company or to recording of your Value Proposition?

Or your website landing page or a coupon or special that you could change every day - if you wanted to?

How about on retail shelf – one click and they are seeing a video on the product?

How about a newspaper or magazine ad that with a click of their smart phone they are sent to a special offer or video?

Click on this link and watch my 2 minute video that demonstrates this new technology. It’s free and easy to implement. The apps are free for the phones and the code can be generated and printed in 2 minutes
On free websites.

All the Best,

Rick Wallace