Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Serve your way to a Successful Career/Business

For those readers coming to this post from my email, go below the grayed out type to pick up where you left off reading.

(Listen to Audio Version Here)

Busyness, information, hard work, reacting, pleasing, multi-tasking, fast-paced = Success, Money, Happiness, Free Time, and finally, Retirement.

Sound familiar? It is really a set of limiting beliefs. Things we have been taught since childhood that really don’t work. They are bad habits that ensure we never reach the ultimate goal and we don’t enjoy the journey towards it.  

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence or Failure are therefore not acts, but habits."
  - Aristotle
How do I know this?
It is no secret. It has been talked about, written about and explained by people for hundreds of years. I’ll demonstrate as you read this - you may get tired of hearing from these historical figures. They knew the truth, but few listened. And that’s good in way - less competition at the top.
A better set of words:
Purpose (Busyness), Transformation(Information), Creative (Hard work), Proactive(Reactive), Serving (Pleasing), Focused (multitasking), Slow down(Fast paced)= Success, Money, Happiness every day, More Free Time, Don’t want to Retire.
This is no warm and fuzzy, psychobabble - this is the truth. And these are truths that will set you free and ensure success if you know your PURPOSE and are focused on SERVING.
"The only certain means of success is to render more and better service than is expected of you, no matter what your task may be."
- Og Mandino, author
We all know what we do and how we do it. We need to add to that WHY we do it - a core purpose - something that is exciting and something we can be passionate about. Think about the old phrase - doing something ON PURPOSE. This purpose will provide the path we will follow that will allow us to prioritize and focus proactively on the Right Things and Actions every day. A deeper reason for showing up, something we are passionate about. (Hint: it is serving and helping people in some way).
The sun shines on everything and warms it to a livable level for life to thrive on this planet. It’s nice, it’s pleasing. The Sun is you, pleasing and unfocused, warming everything all day. The emails, the phone, the knocks on the door, the answer to questions, solving problems, the request to please others, are you, shining on everything. But at the end of the day there is no fire. No results, no forward movement. No fire, no results, no serving, just pleasing.
How do you get fire? You use a magnifying glass and focus the rays of the sun on a dry leaf. That is focus, it gets results, it lights the fire, that’s letting the sun’s rays serve.  “Anything we focus on grows.” “Winners focus, losers spray.”

Show me someone’s calendar and I can tell you how successful they are and will be.

You look for the activities that are SERVING people. Money and success and happiness come from serving. All day long most of us focus on pleasing other people. Employees, customers, friends, everyone. We have been taught since childhood to please people. Say thank you, smile and buy them lunch, answer their email immediately, stop what we are doing to talk to someone that enters our office, answer that phone call now, say yes to every demand, be busy, busy , busy trying to please everyone.
Service and serving are where success, happiness and money are made. Find someone who has a problem and serve them by helping them solve it and teach them to solve it in the future. Serve them, employees, customers, vendors, friends , family , people. Serve don’t please.

"It is literally true that you can suceed best and quickest by helping others to succeed."
- Napolean Hill, author

Marketing and Sales
We have always been taught that we need to get our name out there and GET prospects to know, and like us. People buy from people they like is the old slogan.  In other words, please them in some way. No wonder we “hate” selling. We believe it is all about Getting people to like us - Pleasing. When we hate something we automatically put it into the procrastination file. I know I need to make those calls and I need money, I need to GET some new customers. It is the difference between get and give. Desperation vs. doing something on purpose, serving someone in way that keeps us on the path of our core purpose.

Serving is different, we are not focused on getting someone to like us, we are focused on serving them first and getting them to trust us.
If you are pleasing you enter into a conversation with a prospect and begin thinking “I need to GET this person to be my customer”.  Pressure sets in, desperation, what can I say that will PLEASE them, run through the benefits, talk about me and what we do to Get them to see our value. Smile, take them to lunch. Get them to like you!

"If you go looking for a friend, you’re going to find they’re scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you’ll find them everywhere."
- Zig Ziglar

"You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."
-Dale Carnegie

Now let’s look at the world of GIVING, of SERVING.
Now we are thinking how can I SERVE this person? I ask them to tell me about themselves and their company. Everything is great. But I know they must have something that is troubling. I ask what keeps them up at night? What great challenge do they have presently? Because if I can solve it for them I have truly SERVED. By SERVING first, I have demonstrated my value, not just talked about it. I have built trust because I’m not selling, I am serving first.

Great, effective marketing works the same way. Note their pain and problems, offer free information or a service that can solve it and then over time continue to provide information that SERVES them and helps them solve their problems.  (TIPS that nurture trust).
Most marketing today is an attempt at PLEASING -  it is all about us and what we do and how we do it. Look at landing pages on websites – they all start talking about them, how long they have been in business what and how they do what they do. They  give coupons, discounts, funny ads, anything to GET their "name out there" and GET some new customers by getting them to like them.  

To make your marketing effective start asking and talking about their pain and problems and then offer solutions that SERVE and demonstrate your value. You will have prospects trusting and buying from you. SERVING makes you and your company REMARKABLE – meaning people will remark about you, right? Word of mouth, referrals are the # 1 source of new customers for all businesses.   And I might add people who refer are doing what? SERVING both you and the person they tell about you.
Serving is the only way to build a great customer base of ideal customers.

"The great leader speaks little. He never speaks carelessly. He works without self-interest. And he leaves no trace. When all is finished, the people say, 'We did it ourselves'. "
- Lao-tzu from the ‘Tao Te Ching’

Do you spend your day PLEASING your employees or SERVING them.
The scenario most commonly observed is one of PLEASING. Open door policy, expectations, managing, more money to motivate, being the “answer man”, doing things for them, training on the fly, no goals, no purpose, no alignment, etc. 

This all results in disappointment, lack of accountability and little trust.

"People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals - that is, goals that do not inspire them."
- Tony Robbins

"Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I'll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I'll give you a stock clerk."
- JC Penney Businessman

The best companies, the real winners, are places where the owner is SERVING the employees. By the opposite of the above.  SERVING the employees with Weekly Scheduled focused one on one Coaching Conversations (not yearly reviews, open door ), understanding their problems and coaching (answering their questions on the fly, in the middle of the battle), understanding their dreams and helping them reach them, coaching - not managing, Agreements not Expectations, alignment with goals and purpose.  Provide them with focused coaching to ensure they believe they have mastery of their job, provide them with autonomy to be creative and a core purpose for coming to work every day. These are the 3 things employees say ensure a place where they love to be and thus are able to SERVE others all day .
Make sure they don’t come to you with problems expecting  you come up with the solutions for them. Instead put a sign up that says "come to me only with solutions". Give them feedback on their solution but help them grow, serve them, build their confidence and skill set. Don’t please them by being the crutch and allowing them to go through the day relying on you for all of the answers.

“Give someone a job and they will work for your money, find people who believe what you believe and they will give you their blood, sweat and tears.” 
- Simon Sintek


“Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.”

- William S. Burroughs

Information can be detrimental . There is too much of it and it grows every day. We can literally spend all day at the computer and waste the day "learning".  Information is only valuable if it is transformational, if it convinces you to take ACTION. If it changes the way you are living your life. Knowing is not enough. It is all in the doing. Nothing happens without ACTION.
Action alone is not the answer of course. It has to be action that is focused on your path, your purpose and is serving , instead of pleasing.

An old Japanese Proverb
“Goals without Action are dreams, Action without goals is chaos. “

For this information to be transformational , to change your habits for the better, you must take action.
  1. Slow down – take some time and focus on your Core Purpose, your why you do what you do. Write it down. (Hint: it will have something to do with helping , serving.)
  2. Slow down - Write down your Vision of what, how and why of your life, your business, your career in 2020. 
  3. Slow down – Write Goals for 2013 and the ACTIONS you need to take to accomplish them. 
  4. Set up weekly 15 minute coaching Conversations with all direct reports- find ways to serve them. Be a coach not a manager. Think about the difference in what a football coach does and you as a manager of a team. He serves, you try to please. 
  5. Set up and block one hour per day on your calendar to stop, think, focus on the actions above with one thing foremost in your mind how can I SERVE. No interruptions, no moving the appointment for anyone. No pleasing , serving. You will be serving yourself, your employees and your customers, and people in general. Over time you will form a habit and more and more of your day will be spent focused on serving, creating, passionate about your purpose and your future. The journey will the happiness not the destination. Money and success will come if you start to focus on SERVING.
"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give."
- Winston Churchill, British prime minister

Thanks to Steve Chandler, my coach for the inspiration.  If you want to learn more buy his book Wealth Warrior.
Rick Wallace

From The Client's Point of View

Those of you that have heard me speak or read my blogs know I refer and tell stories about one of my first clients, "the propane guy", quite often. 4 years later we still have regular working sessions and when we look back we marvel at what he has accomplished both in the personal and business aspects of his life. I, at times, wonder what goes through someone's mind as they struggle with reaching out for help, either from a coach or a mentor of some kind. Here is Ken's blog post (by the way a goal he set and one that he now enjoys writing each month) that captures his take on coaching. (Another goal he is working on right now is interviewing his father who started the company and he is going to develop a "Legacy Book" of his life to share with the entire family. How fulfilling is that?)

All the best,
Rick Wallace 

The Leadership Matrix and Mastering the Rockefeller Habits Works!

 "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."

-- John Quincy Adams, 6th President of the United States
The Leadership Matrix and Mastering the Rockefeller Habits Works!

Red Balloon is an Australian gift/corporate incentive company that has embraced the concepts built into the book by Verne Harnish "Mastering the Rockefeller Habits". Below you will see what the founder has to say about various aspects of the process and how they have helped her build this vibrant fast growing company from 9 employees when she adopted the process to 47 A Players today.

Transaction Every Two Seconds -- speaking of selling, Red Balloon expects to reach their (Vision) BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) 2 years ahead of schedule. Australia's number 1 provider of gifted experiences, offering over 2500 experiences, Naomi Simson and her team set an aggressive goal to sell 2 million experiences at a time 8 years ago when they had only sold 7500. Currently at just over 1.6 million, they expect to hit their target sometime in May this year. So it's time to update their BHAG.

5 Million 'Good Times' By 2020 -- Notes Simson, "We have started talking about the 'beyond' BHAG' and our theme this year is all about Customer Love -- we are teaching our team and suppliers about NPS (Net Promoter Score). This way we will roll into the new BHAG...getting people 'dreaming' already so we don't fall in a hole when we achieve the 2 million." Exactly!!

Here are short 1-2 minute videos that tell the story. Who wouldn't want to work here?
Core purpose and Vision (BHAG) 

Brand Promise (Differentiator)

Recruiting video/values, etc

All the best,
Rick Wallace 

Busyness is Laziness

From my coach Steve Chandler:

That's right - being busy, busy, busy, is just laziness.

It is the biggest obstacle to our focusing on and taking actions on, the Right Things.  

You hear it all day, everyday -

"I didn't get to it - just too busy."  

"I want to do that but I just can't find the time."

"I know I need to but I'm swamped."

Fact: We are too lazy to do anything about being too busy!

Here is an MP3 (17:00 minutes) on the topic. Download/burn for the car, on your phone or listen right now in your office --- to get a new perspective on busy.

All the best,
Rick Wallace

Top 8 Ideas to Supercharge Your Marketing

"Companies who excel at lead nurturing get 50% more sales ready leads at 33% less cost." 
-Brian Tracy  

Working with clients in many different businesses from all across North America I find the pain points are always the same. One of them is often "my marketing is not working!"

I cannot go into the entire solution in this post but the biggest problem most have is that they don't follow up and nurture the leads they are getting. People don't buy when you want them to, they buy when they want or need to.

80% of all purchases are made between the 5th and 12th touch/contact. No one follows up that many times. In fact only 10% of businesses follow up more than 3 times.

That means marketing has to consistently follow up with content/TIPS that are purely information relevant to the Ideal Prospects and your customers.
NO SELLING - and to be relevant this information needs to be focused on their pains.

So how do you build the TIPS/Content? It is easy and would take someone in your company 1 hour per week as a Rock to do it. See ideas of how to build the list of things to write or video about. Then take an hour a week and start writing. Week after week you will build a backlog of TIPS and before you know it you will be months ahead of the curve. I do a TIP every week - you are reading one and I have them in a queue for 3 more months. Lots of content is on the internet - steal where you can and give the author credit. (I took an article by John Sonnhalter and edited it for this post).

Top 8 Ideas For Refreshing your Marketing:
  1. Less content (short 2 minutes to read or watch) will mean more impact and get read- make TIPS more meaningful.
  2. Develop a list of the top 25 questions coming from your customers, then write TIPS about them and provide answers.
  3. Sit down with every salesperson and ask them what their customers biggest pain points are - provide TIPS to address them.
  4. Develop a series of stories for your industry on an aspect no one has covered before - what better way of becoming a thought leader.
  5. Send out weekly or biweekly TIPS to all customers and leads to nurture them over time (no selling, just content that informs and service to build trust).
Generating new leads

  1. Commission a piece of research (survey) that is important to your Ideal Customers/Prospects and then share it with them as a "free offer".
  2. Define or review your Ideal Customer Profile and consider doing directed email or post card touches making a "FREE Offer" that solves a pain (do 20 a week and have sales follow up on each of them to make the offer in person or over the phone
  3. Make sure Web landing page has only one "Free Offer" on it.
Make follow up, nurturing of leads with non selling TIPS a Rock for your 1st Quarter.

All the best,
Rick Wallace  

What Are The Top 5 Career Regrets?

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail.
Explore. Dream. Discover." 
-Mark Twain 
The Top 5 Career Regrets
by Eric Barker 
Over at Harvard Business Review, Daniel Gulati discusses his informal study of people's biggest regrets about their career.

He talked to professionals who ranged in age and represented a variety of different industries but five ideas came up again and again:

1. I wish I hadn't taken the job for the money.

"By far the biggest regret of all came from those who opted into high-paying but ultimately dissatisfying careers."

2. I wish I had quit earlier.

"Almost uniformly, those who had actually quit their jobs to pursue their passions wished they had done so earlier."

3. I wish I had the confidence to start my own business.

"A recent study found that 70% of workers wished their current job would help them with starting a business in the future, yet only 15% said they had what it takes to actually venture out on their own."

4. I wish I had used my time at school more productively.

"Although more students are attending college, many of the group's participants wished they had thoughtfully parlayed their school years into a truly rewarding first job."

5. I wish I had acted on my career hunches.

"Several individuals recounted windows of opportunity in their careers, or as one professional described, 'now-or-never moments.'"

What else do we know about regret?

I've posted about research into the subject of regret before. So what do we regret the most?

What do people regret the most before they die? 

Bonnie Ware worked in palliative care for many years, tending to people during the last three to twelve weeks of their lives. A handful of themes cropped up in the things they regretted during their final days:

1. "I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me."

2. "I wish I didn't work so hard."

3. "I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings."

4. "I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends."

5. "I wish that I had let myself be happier."

To them, these were regrets. For you, this can be a checklist of what not to do. 

When Is Your Wealth Created?

"If you want to be miserable, get yourself a future."
-Byron Katie 

Please enjoy this guest post from my coach Steve Chandler:
     It's fine to have big plans and dreams but wealth is created now. Right now. In this present moment. It was never created at any other time in history. It was always now.

    So once your plans are reviewed, get out of your future and into this moment. This conversation you are about to have is the important one. There are hidden opportunities in every moment and we miss them if we're always thinking ahead.

    Allow all your dreams of doing great work, being creative and making a difference in people's lives to happen today. Not in some far-off conditional future. Start where you are.
     Noted psychiatrist Stanislav Grof says in The Consciousness Revolution, "I have worked with people who had a major goal in life that required decades of intense and sustained effort to achieve. And when they finally succeeded, they became severely depressed, because they expected something that the achievement of the goal could not give them. Joseph Campbell called this situation, 'getting to the top of the ladder and finding that it stands against the wrong wall.'"

    Don't put off your fulfillment. Don't put your happiness at the top of some ladder you have to climb. Don't wait until you've "made it" to feel great about life. Wealth is attracted to people who feel great right now. People who know how to use this moment.

Live well and prosper,

And if you are SERIOUS and sincere about prospering meet me here:
