Thursday, July 22, 2010

What we can learn from Louis Oosthuizen?

Louis Oosthuizen is the Champion Golfer of the Year as they say at the British Open. A virtual unknown, but he beat the field by 7 strokes.

The press noticed he had a big red dot on his golf glove. When asked about it he said he needed, “a trigger to get back in the moment, compose…focus on the shot and forget about everything around…”
When asked about sharing this day with his 6 month old daughter one day, he glowingly replied, “I’ll probably try and get…a DVD…and show her the whole thing.”

I think we can all learn a lot from him about improving our business and family life.

Essentially he’s:
- Aware of the potential of distractions that exist and can keep him from his goal
- Has a built in “trigger” to help him focus and play within himself
- Playing for something more than himself.

Clarity, Focus and Execution = a better company. What is your "trigger" to get you focused, motivated and allows you to execute? Go to my wesbite and download the free presentation on Lack Of Execution - The Bane of Business it will take this leasson and show you how to come up with your own RED DOT for your business.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

No Goal!

All of us in Buffalo know that quote.
As much as that frustrated me, nothing is as frustrating as hearing people say:

“I don’t need to set goals to succeed.”

Here are my two favorite quotes on the subject:

“If you don’t know where you are going you may not get there”
Yogi Berra

“What is wrong?
I’m lost and I don’t know which of these two roads to take.
Where are you going?
I don’t know
Well either of those roads will take you there.”
The Cat, to Alice, while she was running around Wonderland

My take is that goals are crucial to the owner of a small business. Without them your whole team has no direction, no way to prioritize their time, no way to know which way to go every time they reach a fork in the road. The bane of most businesses is Lack of Execution – they have great ideas but have trouble implementing them.

You see the most important thing about goals is that they immediately produce Actions. Actions can then be prioritized and then someone can then be made accountable and with an easy follow up process you Execute.

Goals – Actions – Prioritization – Accountability = Execution

(for more click below to listen to my 12 minute Audio “Clarity, Vision and Goals”

Rick Wallace
“Closing the gap between the your Dream and the Reality of owning a business”