Wednesday, December 28, 2011

5% increase = 220,000 jobs in America

"Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking,"What's in it for me?"
-- Brian Tracy, Author

An increase of only 5% in "Made in America" materials used by contractors to build homes in the US would produce 220,000 new manufacturing jobs overnight.

The belief is that we don't have manufacturers that can make everything needed to build a home, and if we did, the cost would be much higher.

  • Fact: Cost increase of only 1% in materials.
  • Fact: Better materials increase productivity and quality.
  • Fact: You can get everything you need here in the US.

Have you ever thought about how to build a list of the American manufacturers that could supply your company and others like it?

Watch this short segment from ABC News, it is very interesting.

All the best,
Rick W. Wallace

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Hello Clients and Friends,

I'm introducing a new format that is short, easy to read, and hopefully more effective in delivering knowledge that will be relevant while helping my subscribers better themselves and their companies.

I will always start with a quote and then expand on it. If I have additional optional information, videos, audios, etc., the link will be included.

Please opt out at the bottom if you do not want to receive these.

"In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins, not through strength but by perseverance."
-- H. Jackson Brown, Author

Perseverance, or what I call follow through, is the key ingredient to the success of people and businesses and is lacking in most of the companies I have worked for, or with, over the last 35 years.

It trumps all the issues that hold businesses and their employees back. Money, Time and People are issues that we have solutions for, but tend to start and stop in our attempt to get them implemented.

It is all about habits, clarity, focus, and execution, and a process and rhythm to ensure we follow through and implement the solutions. In short, it is about adopting some new habits.

We tend to develop bad habits that have us reacting all day long. This gets in the way of leading and making the changes necessary to building a profitable, successful business that works for the owner/leader vs. one that relies on her to work.

Albert Einstein, "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer."

All the best,
Rick W. Wallace