Monday, April 23, 2012

All Impossible, Become Possible (no typo)

"Find something we feel good, when you feel good, all impossible become possible. Believe."
-- Manuel De Los Santos
("Destined to Play Major League Baseball")

In his broken English, Manuel tells us what it means to be "an owner" and how not to think like a victim.
Owners know that they alone control their thoughts and that they alone are responsible for what they achieve in life and business. Whatever obstacles arise they know that no one is going to bail them out, it is up to them to overcome the fear and take action.

Victims, on the other hand, believe that everything happens to them. That "things" outside their control are the cause of their situation. Things happen to them. Life is not fair. You and I know victim thinking when we or those around us use language like:
"I'll try, I can't, I know I need to but, I can't believe this happened to me..."

Rather than:
"I am, I will, I committed to, Just do it..."

Knowing your core purpose, your "Why", the things you love to do and when you are doing them you are at your best goes a long way in having those owners thoughts and taking those actions. Find yours and "Just do it".
This 3 minute video tells his story about how he found his "why" and changed his life.

Manuel De Los Santos
Manuel De Los Santos

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