Monday, July 16, 2012

Referrals and Fresh, Sweet Blueberries

"84% of all purchases in the US are generated via word of mouth." 
 - Brian Tracy quoting Recent AMA Study

I normally don't do this but I have a good friend (Satnam Basra)  who has worked his butt off for the last 3 years to follow his WHY, his passion. He planted and grows 11 acres of blueberries in front of his beautiful house on Shimerville Rd. in Clarence between Roll and Clarence Center roads. He has 4 varieties which will ripen in stages all through the summer. He has drive-through service (already picked) or U Pick'em. I just stopped by and talked a little business with him. The bushes are loaded and of course we walked and sampled as we went. They are "great" and of course good for you.

Take a drive over and pick some up, or take the kids and have some fun picking. Blueberries are easy to pick in nicely mowed, grass lined rows and nothing creates memories like picking fruit with your kids.

After your visit - Satnam will ask for your email address. He will notify all his customers when the next variety is ready, provide TIPS and recipes every other week, and "offers'" that can be given to your friends. (Smart businessman, huh?).

As I was standing there I asked a lady who just picked and bought some berries if she would like to supply her email address. I  told her we would notify her when the next variety is ready and things like that. She said, "sure and it would be great to get recipes and how to freeze tips, etc. from you."  What a confirmation of the power of nurturing and serving customers via email.

All the best,
Rick Wallace 

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