Tuesday, September 10, 2013

12 Frustrations of A Business Owner

"The biggest human temptation is to settle for too little."

 -Thomas Merton


Do these sound familiar?

1.    The business just depends too much on me

2.    I'm just too busy to really work on the things that will help the company succeed

3.    I'm worried about cash flow, but don't know what to do to improve it

4.    We are not as profitable as we need to be, but I don't know what to do to improve it

5.    No one seems to be accountable for results, but everyone is BUSY

6.    I'm always reacting, no time to be proactive or think

7.    My marketing isn't working

8.    I'm unsure whether I have the right/best people in place

9.    I know what to do in many cases but we can't seem to follow through and execute the good ideas we do have

10. I don't seem to have any focus, jumping around/ putting out fires

11. I know I need to set goals and measure them but I seem to just settle for accepting the results we get each month.

12. I feel like I need to be a better leader but what does that mean

Do you feel like a victim of all these frustrations?  

Do you, like most people, just settle with what you have? Settle for being frustrated, working 45+ hour weeks and then spending the rest of your waking hours worrying and thinking about the business.

You don't have to settle for the status quo.

Learn how The Leadership Matrix, a process that tackles these frustrations head on, can provide you with a process you can use to take you and your company to the next level.

Simply go to this link to learn how this proven process can turn you into a world class leader and your team into accountable individuals who follow through and get results.

Watch and learn.

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