Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Art of No

"You can do anything -- but not everything." 
 - David Allen

"It comes from saying no to 1,000 things to make sure we don't get on the wrong track or try to do too much.

- Steve Jobs  

The great time management guru David Allen has nailed a profound truth here. We don't have time to do everything we want to do today. If you have any kind of success at all going on in your life, that will be your reality: more to do than time allows. Celebrate that. Then go warrior on your list and DELETE and/or DELEGATE as many items as you can. It's what you say NO to that creates your focus and pathway to an invented future. Not what you keep saying YES to all day in a vain attempt to please others and get them to like you and think you are accommodating. Accommodate the future.
Live well and prosper,
Steve Chandler

My Experience
You can't find the time to do important things that will create your future and help you reach your goals - you have to make the time. Say "no" to many things and block hours during the week to commit and focus your attention to Rocks/Important things that will move you and your company along. Treat these appointments with yourself like they are with your biggest customer and don't move them. Why do you get so much done on a Saturday morning? Because you can focus and work uninterrupted. Like my attorney client Chuck Beinhauer said, "I've got it now, I now make Tuesday morning my Saturday morning."

All the best, 
Rick Wallace

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