Tuesday, October 27, 2015

A Schedule for Success

"Don't mistake activity with achievement."
- John Wooden

"You have more to do than you can possibly do.You just need to feel good about your choices." 
- David Allen

"The great dividing line between success and failure can be stated in five words: I did not have time." 
- Henry Davenport

I could list dozens of quotes from brilliant people who have been observers of the successful people in history. These three will get us started.

As a business owner, leader, manager we all want to build a team that is engaged, accountable for results and is not dependent on us for every decision and every move they make.

As a business owner you want More Time, More Money and a Better Team.

We all want to be successful. I heard a guy the other day say success to him was:
"Doing what I want to do, when I want to do it, with the people I want to do it with and in a manner of my choice."  Pretty good huh?

Well what I have observed is that you can't get what you want in a business by being reactive all day long, answering everyone's questions, putting out fires, filling in the gaps, being the quarterback of the team while the game is being played.

In other words, the very things you don't like to be doing are the things getting in the way of what you want. 

You have to develop different habits. You can't let "busy" get in the way of the right Actions. Keep doing what you are doing, walking by what is happening and get ready to settle for what you have!

Or stop, schedule your week with blocks of key ACTIONS you want to make into habits. Get a rhythm in your business or group that will, over a few months, get you where you want to go and the team engaged and accountable for results and in fact liking where they work.

I put together an 8 minute video that sets up an Ideal Week (that is recurring) for a leader/coach to follow. It gets the rhythm going in your business and will over time with consistency and compounding  change your business, your team, you and your life. 

Here it is and remember knowing is not enough we must do!

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