Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How can you ensure an 80% success rate in hiring "A Players" in your business?

If you could ensure that kind of success rate you probably would be more inclined to upgrade your team or bring on that Superstar salesperson everyone is looking for. The answer to the second part of the question is just as important. How do you know if you have A, B or C players working for you. I found this simple yet brilliant process for making this determination.

It is "the question" and it came from NetFlix a company focused on great employees in very job. They believe that great people want to work around great people and that great people leave companies when they see "C Players" slacking off or unqualified for their jobs and getting away with it day after day. Think about it. Most good people leave on their own, the C Players never leave.

The question?

Ask the following question about each of your employees on a quarterly basis.

"If he/she were to walk in right now and tell me they were leaving to go to work for a competitor in two weeks how hard would I fight to keep them?"

It says it all.

If you answer not very hard for any of your employees then go to my website and under resources you will find the answer to the title of this blog post.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Doing the right things, in small amounts over a long period of time

Many of the clients I coach are shocked to find that slowing themselves down speeds up their success. When they slow down and focus on that next small step ahead of them and TAKE THAT STEP they are surprised at how their whole world changes by doing that. Because every little achievement along the way raises our confidence. With increased confidence in ourselves, we achieve more and more. The big picture is fine, but the real success in reaching your goals is achieved when you break your plan down into small steps to take along the way, and then start taking them. With each of these steps your self-esteem rises. In the end, the goal itself isn't even as important as the huge strides you have made in self-confidence and self-respect along the way. Because of that increase in self-confidence and self-respect, the next challenge that life throws at you will be that much easier to handle. And it was those small steps that built that self-confidence.Here's to the next step,

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Think you hold the power in a small business purchase decision? Think again.

Small business owners are doing their homework before making purchase decisions and they’re increasingly relying upon online and third party resources. Unlike consumer purchase decisions that are often driven by emotion, small business owners are more pragmatic and consider the practical business implications of purchasing something for their businesses. Now, they’re taking to the web for insights. Small business owners have always relied heavily upon their fellow business owners for advice but with the huge increase in online resources, small business owners now have the opportunity to tap into opinions and advice from millions of “strangers” in addition their own colleagues.

91% of all small business owners consult user
generated content/peers when making
purchase decisions

Your corporate web page remains the single most important resource for reliable and credible facts on your products and services, so the more questions you can answer there, the fewer additional resources they will need to consult in order to make a decision. As a marketer, a lot of the power you have over your brand is becoming outside of your control; however, there are learnings you can leverage. Spend some time mining the recommendations and opinions that your customers have about your products. They are likely honing in on key features or benefits that they think stand out for your product or service – this should align with the elements you are highlighting in your messages.

(i.e. Do an NPS Survey, profile your Ideal Customer and their needs, wants and most importantly their pains and fears, develop your Value Proposition (message) and provide relevant information to your Ideal Customers and Prospects based on this knowledge. Rick )