Tuesday, April 26, 2016

What are You Going to Do Today?

 "The only thing you are going to do today is: what you do today. Therefore, the only thing there is to do today is: what you do today. That's all there was to do when you started no matter what you thought or think."
- Werner Erhard

What you do today creates your future. 

With that in mind what you get done today is all you will do today. It is not all that needs to get done, it is only what will get done.

With just today in mind and what will get done today - what you do today will create your future. What, of all the things that need to get done, is the most important to ensure you are creating a better future? If you can only get done today what gets done today then what choices do you need to make and what time do you need to make (not find) to ensure those special things get done today?

If you understand this you should be feeling a little more relaxed, a little more confident, a little more decisive and focused. If you don't - you better go back and read it again.

Now get at it, block time, commit and focus on the special things that will create the future you want. What gets done today is all that you do today.

Watch this short video on how to get that done today:

8 Minutes - Double Your Productivity
8 Minutes - Double Your Productivity

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Best Team Wins

"There's something rare, something finer far, something much more scarce than ability. It's the ability to recognize ability."
- Elbert Hubbard

A Players in every position. Great players on your team. Nothing is more uncomfortable for a business owner or leader than hiring and firing. But if you want a great company you have to take a couple of hours a week and always be recruiting. Building a great virtual bench, coaching your players and giving them every chance to step up. But when they don't, or can't, you have to manage them out of the business. Listen to Brian Tracy on the subject (4 minute video).

Think of your company as a professional football team. Scout and recruit the best, (they are probably working for someone else), coach the team you have to be the best they can be, and move quickly on those that are not performing. The other teammates know who that is and studies show good people quit companies because they see management is doing nothing about replacing the C Players. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Billionaire's Mantra

"Want to be more successful? Don't pretend to know it all."
- Tilman J. Fertitta, owner, chairman and CEO
Fertitta Entertainment 

Tilman Fertitta, the powerhouse behind restaurant giant Landry's and Golden Nugget Casinos, admits he doesn't have all the answers. "I think the successful people in the world are the ones who say, 'I don't know everything.' Because I can tell you, I learn something every single day," he said.

Instead, start making this phrase your mantra.

Billionaire : Make this word your Mantra  ( 2 minutes)

The biggest mistake you can make is....... (2 minutes)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

How To Make Money

 "Nobody cares about you or your company, what you do or how long you have done it, whether you are a family business or what products and services you represent."

- Rick Wallace
I firmly believe that. Then why on earth does every website have a home page that says those things? Why is it every time you ask someone what they do they simply answer your question and tell you? Why is it that every marketing piece or postcard or ad states the same thing?

Because of the lies/beliefs we have about the way to do marketing.

Let's see what Seth says about this:

"It's fun to believe that people buy the goods and services we make merely because they are excited, delighted and eager to engage.

But often, particularly in b2b selling, the call to action is very different. "Get off the tracks! The train is coming..." combined with the rumble, the smoke and the visuals of the train arriving. That's what causes action.

Action means change and change means fear, so of course we shouldn't be surprised that people (and organizations) are often as motivated by the fear of loss (or PAIN) as they are by the desire for gain."

So change everything - lead with the pain or fear most prevalent in your Ideal Customer/Prospect. Change your marketing message (your Value Proposition), then tell them how you can solve that pain/fear in a unique way - why you are the best solution provider.

You have to get people's attention in this crazy media driven world - so you have to show them you know what their pain is - in a way that will grab them as they think "Hey - that's my problem I bet they know how to solve it."

"Making money is easy. Simply find someone with a problem and solve it for them."
- Steve Chandler

Which one of these would get you to raise your hand and take some action on if you were a person in charge of millions of dollars worth of capital equipment?:

1) "__________________ has been in business for over 40 years. We are a family business with over 95 years of experience on staff to serve you. We carry these brands of XXXXXX and believe in servicing what we sell. Many of our customers have been with us for 30 years. We know this industry and can help you in all aspects of cleaning.  Give us a call and we can set up a time to talk."

2) "You manage millions of dollars of capital equipment that must be operational to make you money. Downtime and the lost productivity that accompany it can kill your profits. The best solution is CLEAN. Yes Clean!  Everything starts with CLEAN, it affects operator pride, thus better operator care, PM's can be done faster, inspections done easier and faster. Click here for an easy 10 step Guide to Reduce Your Downtime and Increase Your Profits."

Lead with the pain/fear and then serve them - help them solve it.