Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How can you ensure an 80% success rate in hiring "A Players" in your business?

If you could ensure that kind of success rate you probably would be more inclined to upgrade your team or bring on that Superstar salesperson everyone is looking for. The answer to the second part of the question is just as important. How do you know if you have A, B or C players working for you. I found this simple yet brilliant process for making this determination.

It is "the question" and it came from NetFlix a company focused on great employees in very job. They believe that great people want to work around great people and that great people leave companies when they see "C Players" slacking off or unqualified for their jobs and getting away with it day after day. Think about it. Most good people leave on their own, the C Players never leave.

The question?

Ask the following question about each of your employees on a quarterly basis.

"If he/she were to walk in right now and tell me they were leaving to go to work for a competitor in two weeks how hard would I fight to keep them?"

It says it all.

If you answer not very hard for any of your employees then go to my website and under resources you will find the answer to the title of this blog post.

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