Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Reactions vs. Creating

"Successful people are simply those with successful habits."      
- Brian Tracy

Does the following describe you and/or your employees?

The no-problem problem (from Seth Godin)
An organization that's run on emergencies and reaction to incoming doesn't know what to do when there are no problems.

Instead of seeking out new ways to delight or fix the Things causing the emergencies, they run around looking for new emergencies, and if they look hard enough, of course they'll find them. (Two reasons for this: emergencies concentrate the mind (provide a focus) and allow things to get done (execution), not to mention it is a habit). But are they the Right Things that get done?

Missed opportunities vs. poor execution (from Seth Godin)
When you think back to the last ten years of your career or your company's history, how much of what you haven't achieved is due to missed opportunities (the product you didn't launch, the service you didn't choose to do, the effort you didn't extend, or the stock you didn't buy) and how much is the result of doing the Right Things, the Rocks, the Actions (the things that will grow your business and make it better) poorly or not at all?

____ % missed   vs. ____ % lack of follow through and execution of the Right Things.  

Now, compare those percentages to where you spend your time, your focus and your anxiety today.
People, it is all a decision, a choice you make every day. Keep the status quo, keep reacting, keep looking for emergencies and fires to put out OR chose to create new Habits and focus some time every day on the Right Things.Creating new habits requires you to shift your mind.   

"Shifting in the mind is like shifting in the Porsche. It's a rolling motion in the wrist. Not some huge effort. It brings freedom to glide and flow, not out of control, but simply less encumbered, with less drag.  Your car tells when you are too long in one gear. So does your life." - Steve  Chandler 
The easiest way to get people to do what you want them to do...is to start with people who want what you want.

All the best,
Rick Wallace 

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