"Marketing is the effective and efficient use of frequent,
relevant, focused communications to get people with similar wants,
needs, pains and fears to know, like and trust you."
-- Rick Wallace
Warm or cool leads generated by marketing are typically just annoyances to sales people--ones that get in the way of their "real" work.
You say no way - sales people want more leads!
OK I’ll prove it.
Two studies one by MIT and one by AMA Showed:
MIT Study
- 78% of sales go to the firm that
responds first.
- Average number of follow ups 1.69.
- 61% of second follow ups become hot.
- 65% of ALL Business to Business leads
will buy in the next 12 months.
AMA Study
At any given point in
time only about 3% of the market is ready to buy what you are selling.
- 2% of sales are made on the first contact.
- 3% of sales are made on the second contact.
- 5% of sales are made on the third contact.
- 10% of sales are made on the fourth contact.
- 3% of sales are made on the second contact.
- 5% of sales are made on the third contact.
- 10% of sales are made on the fourth contact.
80% of sales are made on the fifth to
twelfth contact.
don’t like leads!
- 48% of sales
people never follow up with a prospect.
- 25% of sales people make a second contact and stop.
- 12% of sales people only make three contacts and stop.
- 25% of sales people make a second contact and stop.
- 12% of sales people only make three contacts and stop.
Only 10% of sales people make more than three contacts.
There is a huge and very costly disconnect
how smart companies address this disconnect with their marketing and sales
teams to put a stop to the waste and increase revenue.
I have worked with many different sized companies helping them to scale
their business. One of the key things I always look at is this: How does
the sales force get leads, and what do they do with them?
Generating leads is at the center of most
marketing mandates, yet most companies never really take full advantage of
their investment in those leads. And when they think about scaling the
business, they think they need to generate even more leads. I see too few
companies invest in getting more revenue out of the leads they have.
One of the universal truths I have seen is
that sales people basically hate leads that are generated by marketing. Unless,
of course, the “lead” is ready to buy.
Sales people only like hot leads. I don’t say
this to take a shot at sales people. Effective sales people do a heroic job of
cultivating their own business, and getting their own leads based on personal
outreach, account development, and referrals.
That is precisely why warm or cool leads
generated by marketing are just not helpful--leads that are not hot, to a sales
person, are just extra action items, which get in the way of developing the
business they are working on.
And think about it - who can come up with
5-12 ways to follow up with a prospect without “bugging them”.
A Joint
Marketing & Sales Approach
The real goal should require a joint sales
and marketing approach for marketing to deliver to sales leads which are of
high enough quality (and "hotness") that the sales force actually is
motivated to work them. And then the sales force needs to work them in a way
that every lead has a clear outcome.
I have seen two very basic practices make a
huge difference to increase revenue in this way.
Use Your CRM System
In so many companies, the CRM system becomes
a “write-only” database for leads. The information in it gets stale and out of
date because it is not used as a day-to-day tool for developing business.
One time as a CMO, I investigated the leads
that were in "Stage 1" of my company’s CRM system with people from
sales, field marketing, and corporate marketing. “Stage 1” is where leads that
have been fully qualified by a sales rep were supposed to live.
In an unusual fit of honesty from all
involved, I got some real answers about the state of all the Stage 1 leads in
our CRM System:
- Only a small percentage were actually Stage 1 leads. They were being actively worked by sales people who had qualified them and personally moved them to Stage 1. This was by far the minority.
- Some leads were there because the sales people were getting measured on qualifying leads--so they just moved anything with their name on it to Stage 1 to meet that objective, and then just ignored the leads.
- This behavior of moving leads without really qualifying them was also good for marketing teams being measured on Stage 1 “qualified" leads, so it mutually reinforced useless behaviors and inflated false success measures all around.
- Some leads were there because even though the deal had been actively worked and moved forward in the real world to a later stage, no one bothered to update the status of the lead in the CRM system.
- Some leads were there because the sales rep left the company and they were never reassigned.
- Some leads were duplicates. They were there because the sales rep created a new lead so they could get credit for generating the lead personally. If they deleted the original, marketing-generated lead, that would be giving the game away.
- Some leads there were actually worked and found to be not qualified, but no one bothered to close them out.
…You get the picture. A lot of garbage in
the system that both sales and marketing can point to and say, “Look how many
leads we have!”
Then sales can ignore them entirely,
because “there’s so much garbage in the system, you can’t tell what’s a real
lead.” And marketing can get busy spending more money to generate even more new
leads to “get their numbers up.”
Have Lead
Review Meetings
Sales teams typically have weekly order or
revenue review meetings. I have found that the most effective sales teams also
have lead review meetings.
Imagine each week, if every sales team was
looking at their assigned leads in the CRM system and every sales rep had to
report on the status and progress of each and every lead that was assigned to
Reviewing every lead in the system every
week is how sales teams turn leads into business. It keeps the good leads
moving forward, ensures that garbage leads get deleted, and that all leads are
worked one way or another.
This is not just about forcing sales to use
the system, so everyone can have a nice, clean system. This is about developing
business and making sales.
This works. The more focus sales teams have
on the development of leads, the more business they get. It’s pretty black and
It’s also not a bad idea for marketing
people to sit in on some of these sales lead review meetings to hear how sales
is using leads and what is happening.
Marketing: Don’t Waste Warm Leads
This qualifies as some of the oldest “news” on earth. I bring it up again
now only because it is one of the most well-studied AND most ignored marketing
practices: Continue marketing (i.e. nurturing) to warm
leads. It’s cheaper and more valuable than generating new leads. Simply look at
the facts above to convince yourself of this.
Companies spend money to generate new leads
and have a process to qualify them. The hot leads get worked on, and the rest
get thrown away (or thrown into the CRM system and ignored). Then marketing
does another program to get a new crop of leads and the cycle continues: Hot
leads get worked, warm leads get wasted.
Again, sorry for this very old news (warm
leads are really valuable), but think about this…
Why not instead, only deliver hot leads to the sales force? Keep the rest
in marketing and keep nurturing them until they are
hot. Then give sales people fewer, but actually hot, leads.
Sales people will love (and work) these
leads. And the marketing team will build credibility and value in the company
by clearly making a more direct impact on revenue.
The company will get a far higher return on
its investment in generating leads, and these joint sales and marketing
practices will fuel real growth.
How do you to nurture leads?
In short, send out short informational TIPS
that solve the pains and fears of your customers and prospects. No selling at all, just relevant information.
Short emails - some may include short videos. Do this every month or every two
weeks and then when these “leads” are ready to buy they will think about you. They
will build trust in you because you are serving them with good information and
not trying to “bug them” with selling copy and phone calls from “sales people”.
Remember the stats above - 65% will buy in
the next 12 months, 80% between the 5th and 12 contact.
For more information on building a simple
Marketing Machine to nurture leads see this link.
Rick Wallace
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