read a book from beginning to end. You run a business the opposite way. You
start with the end, and then you do everything you
must to reach it."
must to reach it."
-- Harold Geneen, Industrialist
The following is from Steve Chandler:
is a numbers game. If you keep the numbers in front of you, and if you work
with and thrill to those numbers, you will be successful at what you do.
Put a whiteboard (or two or three) up in your
office. Scoreboards! The game is ON!
End of the book is written, whether it is a quarter, year or 20 years).
am a human performance coach and trainer. The clients I have the most dramatic
successes with are fanatical about their numbers. Because of the fun that
Numerical results are produced through communication, choices and actions. When you focus on the communication, choices and actions that produce numbers, you increase the numbers. When you know what needs to be done you increase the numbers. When you can teach people to simply increase the amount of time they spend on what needs to be done the numbers go up. They have to.
Numerical results are produced through communication, choices and actions. When you focus on the communication, choices and actions that produce numbers, you increase the numbers. When you know what needs to be done you increase the numbers. When you can teach people to simply increase the amount of time they spend on what needs to be done the numbers go up. They have to.
of the thinking in society today goes against this formula. Most of the
thinking tells you that your environment is largely responsible for your
numbers. It tells you that circumstances are responsible for your numbers.
Society will place exaggerated importance on the mercurial whims of other
people as a direct influence on your numbers.
But this is not reality. What's true is that you yourself are what moves your numbers.
When you get a grip on that reality you have new power to perform at levels you had not performed at before.
But this is not reality. What's true is that you yourself are what moves your numbers.
When you get a grip on that reality you have new power to perform at levels you had not performed at before.
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