Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Don't Forget - Execute!

"Ideas are a dime a dozen. People who implement them are priceless."
-- Mary Kay Ash, Entrepreneur

Last week I covered the subject of SMART Goals, what makes a goal a SMART goal, and how vital goals are to building a successful business with engaged employees.

I shared that the power of goals is that once set and committed to, the very next thing that happens is we come up with the ACTIONS/ROCKS/TACTICS that need to be executed or implemented to ensure we achieve those goals.

Then, we get to what I think is the biggest issue or failure in any business -- follow through and execution.

"Goals without Action are worthless, Action without goals are chaos."
- Japanese Proverb

So how do we solve this age old problem of identifying ACTIONS/ROCKS/TACTICS and/or projects (whatever you want to call them), and then following up and ensuring they get executed, finished, done?

Well if you are not executing then you need to trash the process you are currently using and adopt a new process.

What you need is Rhythm, Huddles, Dashboards.

Rhythm provides a consistency to the business that people can count on. Rhythm is a set of Huddles that happen at the same time every week, month and year. No cut, short huddles that provide consistent communication and alignment of your team. Not long drawn out meetings but short, high energy huddles to communicate and follow up.

Weekly huddles 
  • Maximum 20 minutes (not a staff meeting with long drawn out discussions
  • Review Goals and track progress
  • Review Individual Dashboards
  • Review a Core Value (pre-selected individual tells the group what the value means and where they have seen it exhibited in the company)
These weekly huddles provide quick follow up and ensure execution using the color coded Dashboards. No forgetting, not surprises.

Here is a short video showing the building of a dashboard and explaining how they are used.

New Results = New Process
Set SMART goals. Identify and prioritize the Actions to ensure you meet the goals, then get a Rhythm going, build your dashboards and have no cut weekly huddles to ensure the follow up necessary to ensure execution.


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