Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Goals, Stress and Serving

"You want to make money --- simply find someone with a problem and solve that problem for them."

 - Steve Chandler 
The following is from Steve Chandler:

"Stressing out over hitting my goals is not the same as caring about hitting them.
No performer, when tense, or stressed, performs well. No leader does. No sales person. No fundraiser. No parent.

A stressed-out, tense performer only has access to a small per cent of their skill and talent and intelligence. (Do you want a tense person shooting a free throw or kicking a long field goal in the last moments of the game, or a confident, calm person?)

Most people stress themselves out as a form of "really caring" about hitting their goals.  But it's not caring, it's stressing out.

Caring is relaxing, focusing and calling on ALL of my resources, all of that relaxed magic, that lazy dynamite that I bring to bear when I pay full attention with total peace of mind. No one performs better than when they are relaxed and focused.

In a calm way find ways to serve people and you will hit your goals. Whether it is customers, prospects, employees, peers find ways to serve, not please.

When service is provided with the right spirit, it's a pure joy.  Mother Teresa often said in her interviews, "If people knew how much joy I was experiencing when I serve people, they wouldn't consider me to be such a saint."  Wayne Dyer has a little internal mantra he likes to speak to himself whenever a relationship or even a single conversation is going poorly. He softly says, "How may I serve?" and the answer comes to him immediately and the relationship is back into joyfulness again.  When the serving of others is done in that happy spirit, it is fun, and relationships blossom immediately."


Rick Wallace

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