Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Caves and Fears

"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek."

- Joseph Campbell

Why do business people need a coach or, better still, want a coach?

Think about athletes - even the best in the world - why do you think they seek out coaching? They can't afford to be average. They have to be, and stay, at the top of their game or they lose their jobs and soon their careers.

The way the world is today, people in business can't afford to be mediocre or average, or they will lose their jobs and their livelihood. Much of the "conventional wisdom" has proven to be obsolete and sometimes just wrong. We are truly in a global marketplace where technology and information is changing and so prolific you can't keep up with it on your own.  

A coach can sort it all out and bring you up to date on best practices, help you question your beliefs, and be the accountability you need to prioritize and get the right things done.

Is talking to a coach your dark cave? Maybe that is where the treasure is. 

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