Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Fire Gloomy, Hire Happy

"In the minds of great managers, consistent poor performance is not primarily a matter of weakness, stupidity, disobedience, or disrespect. It is a matter of miscasting."
- Marcus Buckingham

"It's not the people you fire who make your life miserable. It's the people you don't."
- Dick Grote

"We don't develop friendly people, we hire them."
- Conrad Hilton

Tom Peters is a business guru and former McKinsey consultant who was my "mentor" during the 80's. I read all of his books and watched many documentaries he made on successful businesses who turned around their fortunes - like Harley Davidson.

Peters recently posted a formula on his website for making a business, or any team, truly great. I was delighted to see this formula, because it matched up exactly with my own experience of working with leaders and teams over the past 7 years. 

This formula works. But it's so simple, it might not be taken seriously. In fact, it's so simple it almost embarrasses me to send it to you today. But here goes. One promise: follow the formula and your numbers will jump through the roof; experience proves it.

From Tom Peters:

The Way to Succeed:


Hire/Promote those with....Sunny Dispositions.
Fire those with perpetually...Gloomy Dispositions.
(Hint: The farther up the Organization you go, the more important this gets.)

Rule: Leaders are not permitted to have "bad days"....especially on Bad Days!
Rule: One Sad Dog can infect a group of 100.
Rule: One Energetic, Optimistic, Sunny Soul can motivate an army to move a mountain.

Thank you Tom! Remember - knowing is not enough, doing is all that matters.

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