Tuesday, May 24, 2016

You Don't Have to Change Who You Are To Succeed

"To become successful, you don't have to change who you are, you just have to become more of who you are at your best."
- Sally Hogshead
This quote stopped me in my tracks. There is a whole industry revolving around self-development and the focus on transforming you and me into this new person.
I know one thing - it scares me and it scares most people. 

"You mean I have to change who I am to be successful?" 

"That is a tall order, a big mountain to climb and I'm not so sure I am willing to do all that work and become someone I'm not."

I don't think I have the commitment to do that.
I think Sally is on to something here. I think back and look at the people I have helped take their business to the next level and move down the Continuum of Success, and they did not transform who they were, they simply developed a new skill. They blocked their week to ensure they were spending more time at their best. Working on the Right Things, Essential Things, Deep Work, Rocks. There - I used all the acronyms except working more on their business not always just in it.
So once again it seems there is a process that is perfect for the results we are currently getting. If we don't like the results and want them to improve, then we must change the process. Not who we are, but how we plan our week and what we focus on doing. That is much easier and is a proven way to be at your best more of the time.
I read the top half of this post to 3 clients today to get their thoughts on this topic. All said it was right on point. These 3 clients have gone from bouncing off the walls, putting out fires all day to embracing and committing to the concept of Deep Work, Rocks, Essentialism and blocking time to focus on these "Right Things". Once they committed to this new process of blocking time to work on the Essential -  the little things (the pebbles), the nonessential, shallow work that used to stress them out and wear them out lost their importance. 
Each of these clients have transformed their companies and their work lives without changing who they are.
Want to know how to do it yourself?
The following is the introduction to the first Lesson in my upcoming online coaching course. Stay tuned as I will be offering you a sneak peek soon:
Do The Right Work. You are about to change the way the you lead your business, being your best more of the time. This will require developing and executing a new process. To succeed you must develop the skills to provide yourself with the time to focus on first, learning these new processes and then executing them. You can't attempt to  "fit this stuff in" each week. You must learn and then implement a process of blocking time each week to focus on the Essential, the Deep Work, the Rocks, working "on" your business, not "in" it all the time.

You must learn to work differently, being your best more of the time. The knowledge and tools to do this are in the following Lesson.
More to come....

P.S. Last week I offered you a chance to see where you are on the Success Continuum - this is your second chance to score yourself - have fun. Click here.

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