"A lot of things we just know are true, turn out to be wrong."
- Jim Rodgers, Billionaire Investor
"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do."
- Johann Wolfgang Von Goeth`e
I am a big believer in not using this blog to sell anything. I freely share the knowledge I have gained in over 35 years in business and the last 8 years of coaching. It is what I love to do: learn, share the learning and solve problems creatively. As a coach I get to do one of those activities 80-90% of my day. (Wouldn't you like to do what you love to do 80-90% of your day?)
Do you ever feel like you have hit a wall. Here is a picture of it. Look it over, it is a neat wall, look at the colors, texture.

If you read this post regularly you know I discuss the power of self-limiting beliefs. I see my job as tearing down self-limiting beliefs -- beliefs in our subconscious mind that are in stone, "truths" common knowledge" - but many of them are just not true. Well those beliefs are simply facts to us until we show our brain the truth.
Look at that wall again and see if you can see the lit cigar sticking out of it. Once you see the cigar you can never look at that picture again without seeing that cigar sticking out of the wall. Your brain has been retrained, shown the truth.
So I have hit a wall. I love to learn and share, I love to help business owners build businesses that work for them and give them the time and money to do what they love to do. But I cannot take on more clients as I do not want to let my current personal clients down by losing focus on the work we do together. You see I have clients all over North America some of which I have now worked with for over 6 years continuously and we are still going strong.
So I was faced with a dilemma - I want to help more small business owners build great, profitable businesses, places that work for them not places that depend on them to work. More Money, More Time and a Better Team.
My clients and I, have and continue to, learn and execute best practices we have proven work. The tools we have built over time, work.
I have thought about sharing all of this in a book, but you see, I do this because I want people to get the results above. Books are good but they are just the knowledge, the how to. Without taking Action on the learning you simply stay where you are, but feel smarter.
Thus I am breaking a rule this one time and using this platform to announce my solution to the problem.
I have built an Online Coaching Course that is the platform for sharing the knowledge to a greater audience. This not just an educational program - it is a true coaching experience. Every lesson includes ACTION steps and tools to execute what you learn - the exact same content articles, videos, audio and templates I use in my one on one practice to take you through, step by step, building a great company.
This will be a subscription service priced at only $167.00 per month. You will receive a Lesson every 10 days and I will hold a group call once a week for questions and discussions. I will monitor your progress and provide a nudge when needed (we all need that nudge from time to time).
This program will tear down long held beliefs (walls) that just are not true about building a great business and show you best practices that really work. You will walk through The Leadership Matrix - a 9 step process for building a growing, profitable business.You will document this in a two- page Strategic Process Document and then execute the process with the best practices and tools I provide.
Warning: This is an investment of time and money. My objective is for you to realize a true ROI from the first month on. But to do that you have to
commit to 2-3 hours a week learning and most importantly executing the learning with the tools I provide.
"Knowing is not enough, we must do."
So if you want to do something about your business instead of doing more of what you have been doing - beating your head against that wall - then make the commitment and sign up for the journey. I'll show you the cigars and then how to take action to get the results you have been looking for.
"Willing is not enough we must do."
Think of all the beliefs you have about building a business - they are all pictures of walls. But many of walls have cigars sticking out of them. This online coaching course will uncover the false ones and provide you with the best practices that work.
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