Sunday, September 5, 2010

Why? What's your Purpose?

My last post was on this subject and I decided I needed to take some time alone and determine what My Why is.

The purpose, the driving force behind what I do and why I have such a passion doing it. What is it that really gets my juices flowing and why am I in the coaching profession and love what I do so much?

After really focusing on this for 30 minutes or so it occurred to me.

I love to learn and I love to teach

Whatever position I had held over the years I seemed to always seek out books and seminars to learn how to do it better. I always loved to teach and share with others what I had learned.

It all makes sense, now I'm doing just that as a business coach.

My father, grandfather and his two brothers were all entrepenuers. They started and ran their own businesses. Yet while it was "in the blood" I took the safe road and worked for corporations all my life.

So now I have come back to my roots and have found a way to continue to doing the things I love by helping small business owners find their purpose, their Why and build successful businesses around that Why.

I keep learning and at the sametime can share that learning with my clients who don't always have the time to seek out these concepts and processes nor the methods to follow through and make them work.

To teach you have to have a book. So I put together a Free Ebook that contains some of my best learnings on transforming a small business. These things work, that's a fact.

Click here to hear the 10 minute audio introduction ( to get a flavor)

and/or download the Free Ebook

" Why Successful Small Businesses Struggle and how to make them soar again" at

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