Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weekly Quote: Chaos

"Goals without actions are dreams. Actions without goals is chaos."
-- Japanese Proverb

First, the difference between goals and actions:

- "Making my business more profitable" is not a goal.

- "Growing my net profit by 10% by the end of 2012" is a goal.

SMART goals are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Accountability - can we make someone accountable for achieving it
  • Realistic
  • Time specific

So when you set goals for the business or for yourself make sure they are SMART goals.

Next, without Key Actions you just have dreams on your hands. Key actions flow easily once the goal is set. Think about your own situation. If the above was a goal for 2012, what key actions would you need to follow through on and implement to make that happen?

Raise prices, cut some costs, generate more profitable revenue by revamping your marketing, hiring a superstar sales person, firing some no profit customers, etc. Everyone may have different actions but the key is that once the goal is set and committed to, the actions will be obvious.

Do you sometimes feel you are in the midst of chaos? Maybe because you don't have smart goals and a focus on the key actions to reach them?

Listen to this audio on the subject: Clarity, Vision, Goals - 12:21

Why don't you? Too busy, don't have enough time? More on that next time.

All the best,
Rick W. Wallace

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