Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It is not what you do .......

When it comes to comparing superachievers and everyone else, it has less to do with what they do and more to do with what they don’t do.
Saying “yes” is easy; saying “no” is much harder, but it is the master skill of success.
In a world where we are constantly being tugged on from a thousand different directions, your ability to be productive and ultimately achieve your big hairy audacious goals has more to do with all the things you DON’T do versus the things you do.
Put it this way: For everything you say “yes” to you are saying “no” to something else… and you only have so much time. For most people, the ability to do MORE is impossible; you are already overwhelmed and working yourself to exhaustion 24/7.
Doing MORE is not the answer. Doing less is. Focus on the Right Things and let the little things fall in place. 20% of what you do provides 80% of the results

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