Monday, October 15, 2012

Compound Effect and Habits

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."  
- Jim Rohn

Have you ever noticed how little actions stack up and build on each other?  

A couple of weeks ago, I started taking a fish oil pill every day.

...Then I started just eating ONE extra piece of fruit and one extra vegetable a day.

...The week after, I started doing some simple exercises to stretch and firm.

...Then I started the day with Chinese Feng Chu

(Don't get me wrong - these are all TINY steps - but steps in the right direction.)


I started walking a mile everyday with the dog.

But it just seemed like the logical next step. Easy, and kinda fun. Next thing I know I'm "booked in everyday this week on my calendar." I made a commitment to him, I'm accountable to him!


I tell you all this because I know the next 6 months can be BIG for you. Deep down, you know it's possible, too.  

So right now, I've got a simple invitation for you: What new business habit do you want to master? Managing your time? Building a process to execute your ideas? Developing a better Marketing Plan? Getting more referrals? Recruiting a virtual bench of 'A' Players? Increasing your profitability?

What's the next big project, a Rock for you? Perfect. Now - What's a TINY step you can take every day this week? Something small and barely perceptible. Easy to do, and if you followed it might stack & take you in the right direction.

What's the first baby step you could implement this week? It is all about Habits, you can't break your bad ones easily but you can develop new ones that will get you where you want to go!  

All the best,
Rick Wallace 

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