Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Where are the A Players?

"Recruiting is a process, not an event. It must be ongoing and continuous. Can you imagine only going after a new customer when you lose an existing one?"
- Jack Daly

"At most companies, people spend 2 percent of their time recruiting and 75 percent managing their recruiting mistakes."
- Richard Fairbanks, CEO of Capital One

"Don't send your ducks to eagle school."
- Jim Rohn

Whether we need to hire more people as we grow, or Topgrade and replace those Ducks with Eagles, we have to RECRUIT. If you are like most owners and leaders, you hate the thought of it. We don't do it well, we do only when we need to and then under pressure to fill a void.

"For every result there is a perfect process for achieving it." So the process you have historically used to recruit and hire people has gotten you the results you now have. To change the results you must change the process.

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