Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Deep Work

"The key is not to prioritize what is on the schedule,
but to schedule your priorities."
- Stephen Covey, Author and Speaker

I have been yelling from the rooftops about the fact we cannot manage time, but can only manage actions (what we do with our time).

Rocks and Pebbles - Steven Covey made this concept famous with his fishbowl and putting the Rocks in the bowl first and then putting all the pebbles in. If you do it the opposite way you cannot get the rocks in the bowl.

Rocks are the priority actions (projects, etc.) that have a huge impact on your career, your job or your business.  Rocks you must do proactively. Pebbles are the little things you do all day in a reactive mode.

Here are the other concepts that separate the high achievers from the rest of us:
  • Focusing 
  • Blocking appointments with yourself to focus on Rocks
Now Cal Newport has written a book called "Deep Work". This book is all about the above as he contrasts Deep work vs Shallow work. (Rocks/Pebbles)

This 20 minute video is a book report and has been the light bulb for many of my clients as to how to get the most out of the time we have.

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